The sentences are ridiculous and make no sense at all. Save your money
Totally agree with the last reviewer. English is way too complex to remember the mnemonic itself. request to the developer to ease down on the english used.
I can make better mnemonics. I wasted my credit on this.
Love it!
Improve it and we're even.
Simple to use. Good mnemonics generated... Finding it useful. Thanks.
Hope more words are added into the app so that can generate more crazy easily memorable mnemonic And please add option to press back to previous mnemonic in case we pressed too fast and missed it lol, thanks =) _________________________ Update: Can you also add option for user to add in certain words to be included in the mnemonics? Like I wan m p c c s, where m has to be mucosa, the rest can be other words that can relate to the word I chose to be included. Thanks =)